Rotational Training For Power

John Sinclair

Programming Officer

Institute of Motion (IoM)

There is no question that rotational training is important for athletes. In general, when you use a tool to shoot or hit - or when you need to throw - you need to have strong rotational power. This is especially true in Baseball, Golf, Tennis, Hockey and Lacorsse.

If we want to get granular - all movement requires rotation. This is because the bony structures in the body are not straight levers. They are designed in such a way that the body can move efficiency with curves and spaces that minimize comprehensive forces. In addition, our structure is designed to fire in a specific sequence and you can train this way to maximize power. 

As a coach, it's important for me to provide athletes with training drills that minimize compressive forces and improve multidirectional locomotion patterns.

Here are 2 ways that I use SKLZ Chop Bar with all my athletes to develop rotational power in the big 3 areas of motion that include the foot and ankle complex, the hip and pelvis, and the thoracic spine. In order to be a beast, you need to train for efficiency through all planes of motion.

Drill 1: Chop Bar Warding 

This drill combines one-legged squats with 3 Chop Bar positions to build strength throughout the core.


Anchor the Chop Bar in overhead position behind you.

Hold the Chop Bar and step forward from the Anchor Point to create tension.

  1. Hold the Chop Bar in a vertical position with the left hand up while keeping your feet underneath your hips. Notice the strong activation in your core. 
  2. Step back with your right foot into a one-legged squat while maintaining stability through your core. Repeat for 5 reps and then move the Chop Bar.
  3. Rotate the Chop Bar from the top hand 45 degrees to the left while keeping your feet underneath your hips. Notice the strong activation in your core. 
  4. Step back with your right foot into a one-legged squat while maintaining stability through your core. Repeat for 5 reps and then move the Chop Bar.
  5. Rotate the Chop Bar from the top hand 45 more degrees to the left so that it is parallel to the ground while keeping your feet underneath your hips. Notice the strong activation in your core.
  6. Step back with your left foot into a one-legged squat while maintaining stability through your core. Repeat for 5 reps and then switch sides starting at the first Chop Bar position.

Drill 2: Skater Slap Shot

This drill combines a dynamic skater with a 3 Chop Bar positions to build strength throughout the core.


Anchor the Chop Bar in overhead position to your right side. 

Hold the Chop Bar and step right from the Anchor Point to create tension.

  1. Hold the Chop Bar in a horizontal position with the left hand in an underhand grip and the right hand in an overhand grip and your feet are underneath your hips. Notice the strong activation in your core. 
  2. Push off the right foot into a dynamic skater and immediately start the rotation or "slap shot" motion. When you land, complete the slap shot using the pelvis to block.
  3. Return to start using the assistance of the Training Cable to accelerate the speed of return. Repeat the movement 10 times and then switch sides.

To learn why these movements were chosen and to learn more about Institute of Motion, visit for courses and live events and an app for aspiring Health Coaches.